The Arizona Streamgage Catalog (Azstreamcat): A Comprehensive Compilation Of Locations And Metadata For Streamgages Throughout Arizona

Presenter: Marleigh Nicholas1
Co-Author(s): Holland Goodrum Sterling, Robert Jimenez-Wieneke
Advisor(s): Dr. Martha P.L Whitaker
1Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona

Poster PDF
Poster Session 1

There are stream gages used for various purposes by different entities throughout Arizona. However, the lack of collaboration between the entities means there is a shortage of dissemination for the locations of these gages. This drastically reduces the efficiency and accuracy of gathering information for streamflow data. The Arizona Streamgage Catalog (AZStreamCAT) will be an online publicly-available catalog of streamgages that provides an overview of the quantity and location of non-USGS streamgages operated in Arizona. By coalescing pre-existing data, the catalog can be used to provide information to stakeholders, increase effective management of resources and help establish protocols for future data collection. Data for AZStreamCAT will be collected via online surveys that will be sent to various entities in Arizona that operate streamgages. The respondents are asked to provide latitude and longitude coordinates for each gauge location. The coordinates are used to create points on a map which includes an Arizona counties boundaries layer, a watershed boundary layer, and a river layer. The point locations are categorized by organization names which are represented by different colors. The resulting map is an aggregate of virtually every streamgage in Arizona. The map will ultimately be published on ArcGIS Online as a hosted feature layer that will be accessible for public use.

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