El Día 2023 Agenda

Event Floor Plan @ ENR2
Join us on Zoom! (Meeting ID: 89637697388; Password: eldia2023)

Time Activity People Modality Room
8:00 Registration + breakfast Courtyard
8:40 Opening Remarks and Remembrance HAS Department Head Welcome: Dr. Chris Castro, El Dia Student Emcee: David Morales (Moment of Silence with Photos of Jetal, Rodrigo, and Tom) In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
9:00 Alumni Speaker - HWRS history Student Moderator: David Morales In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
9:30 Alumni Speaker - ATMO history Student Moderator: Lauren Cutler In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
10:00 Oral Session 1 Student Moderator: Dalia Portillo In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
11:00 Poster Session 1 & Coffee Break In-Person Only Courtyard
12:00 Lunch ENR2 S215, S225, S107 & Courtyard
13:30 Oral Session 2: Student Moderator: Lauren Cutler In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
14:45 Poster Session 2 & Coffee Break In-Person Only Courtyard
15:45 Oral Session 3: Student Moderator: Ben Mitchell In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
16:45 World/Global CAFÉ Student Moderator: Gillian Noonan & David Morales In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S215, S225
18:00 Closing Statements and Presentation of Awards Student Moderator: Lauren Cutler In-Person and Zoom ENR2 S107
19:00 El Día Reception - off campus Frog & Firkin [Location]